Join Me On Scribble Owls – My New Mixed Media Workshop

Come and Scribble Owls with me in my new mixed media workshop! It has been a long time coming and you have been asking for workshops, well now I can add them to what I can offer you to help you with your art! Yay! So for my first full online workshop I wanted to put together somewhere that we could play…


VIDEO: Easy, Relaxing Art Project

  I think we could all do with something relaxing. Don't you think? So I have an easy and relaxing art project for you this week and if you want to join me then you can find the materials I used below as usual. So go grab what you can and come and do some relaxing art with me! The butterflies I…


VIDEO: Make Some Easy Abstract Bookmarks!

Let's make some abstract bookmarks! So this is a really easy but also fun and challenging creative exercise. Challenging because you are working on a really small piece and working with as many colours as you can muster to make these abstract bookmarks. And of course the other benefit of these is that they are functional art too as you can use…


VIDEO: Easy Creative Exercise – Abstract Faces

I have a new, fun, abstract faces exercise for you today and all you need for this one is some paint and some pens, oh and paper too! So keeping it simple again, just like we did for the creative exercise from the weekend. How did you get on with that Scribble exercise? I hope you had fun scribbling away and I…


VIDEO: Easy New Year Mixed Media Art – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Welcome to a New Year and some New year mixed media art! I thought I would kick this year off with another layered, abstract, hopefully relaxing page from my junk journal. I did this page the same time as last week's page so spot that lovely mint color again! So let me know what art you are focusing on this year and…


VIDEO: Relaxed And Easy Festive Mixed Media Art Page

I did not intend this to be a festive mixed media art piece but that is where I think it turned up! Well, a festive mixed media art piece in that it has many traditional Christmas colours and some non-traditional Christmas colours too! I was very pleased with that mint colour that I mixed in the video. Might be my new favourite…


VIDEO: DIY Journal: How To Work On Your Next Varied Page

I am back in my DIY journal this week with another page and jumping off where I left off last time. It is really fun working in a varied page DIY journal like this because it is challenging to make new art that is both different from the last, but also works with that original art that is peeking through.  So what…


Did You Miss The Life Book Summit?

If you missed the Life Book Creativity and Wellbeing summit that ran back in September and you wanted to do all those amazing mixed media art activities, and learn all about next year's Life Book 2020 teachers, but you didn't get the time. Well you have another chance! It's back for the next week and you can watch the summit replay, for free,…


VIDEO: Working On Two Art Journal Pages At Once

I'm working on two art journal pages in my video today. It's in a DIY journal that I made with my Patrons over on Patreon a few months ago. You might recognise it even if you haven't joined me on Pateon, because I recently decorated it's denim cover over on YouTube, well when I say recently I mean back in August! That…