Extended: Kaleidoscope 2023 Taster!

Hey up! Did you see that the taster week has been extended? YAY! It is open until the 25th June before it disappears. But of course it isn't completely disappearing because if you sign up the the full course you get to keep access and play with the taster whenever you want! AND you can use your coupon code: COLOR23 To get…


FREE Kaleidosope 2021 Taster Week Starts Tomorrow!

If you were looking for some art inspiration this week then join in the ! As you know I am teaching on the workshop this year and I am super excited to be a part of this four month mixed media art exploration into our colours, human spirit and worldly wonders that starts in August. And if you want to know more…


Abstract Mixed Media Art Journal Process ***VIDEO***

I am sharing an art journal process this week. It is a new page from my junk journal and it has a very purple feel to it! Sometimes you just have to go where the colour takes you don't you?! I haven't broken this page down into prompts but taken you through the  process as it grows and happens. Even without prompts…


5 Tips To Help You Get Your Art Unstuck ***VIDEO***

  Get your art unstuck with these ideas! So today I am working through a junk journal page and as I do I am sharing some tips to help you get your art unstuck. Things like how to start, what to do when you find you don't like something on your page. You know, all of those kind of getting stuck with…


Ideas For Your Art Journal: Collage Clusters ***VIDEO***

Collage clusters are one of my favourite design formats. You know these, it is when you cluster together elements to put on your project. When I was designing cards more regularly for magazines I would use collage clusters a lot. But they are great for your art or junk journal too. So let's have a play and I have my from my…


Journal With Me – And Let’s Art Chat Too! ***VIDEO***

  Journal with me time! Part of being an artist is doing those personal projects that don't have to lead to a work to sell or shares on social media, unless you want them to of course. They are all about exploring and playing and letting yourself be free to see what happens. So do one of those projects you have been…