VIDEO: Easy Mini Abstract Painting Exercise

Easy mini abstract exercise video by Kim Dellow

If your managed to catch my Life Book 2020 Summit interview and activity, or you have been following me for a while, then you will know that I have a few different art practices that I try to keep doing regularly. On Life Book I shared my Daily Doodle Diary with some exercises and tips to get you started on yours.

Today I am sharing more about one of the exercises that I shared in my free ‘Get Creating’ ebook – the mini abstract exercise. This is another of my regular art practices and quite linked to the Daily Doodle Dairy.

So I am sharing today why doing these types of exercises, the mini abstract and Daily Doodle Diary, can be so useful and how the two are linked too and I hope that it inspires you to add mini abstracts into your regular art practice along with your Daily Doodle diary practice.

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VIDEO: Easy Mini Abstract Painting Exercise



[There are some affiliate links in this blog post, so if you buy through them I do get a small amount of money at no extra cost to yourself, but it really does help. Thanks for your support!]

——— S U P P L I E S ———

Daler-Rowney – Mixed Media Spiral Sketchpad (I use A3 and cut it down)
…Buy from Amazon:  UK | US | CAN

Amsterdam Standard Acrylic Paint (Naples Yellow Red, Quinacridone Rose Light, Sap Green)
…Buy from Amazon:  UK | US | CAN
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Amsterdam Acrylic Paint nozzles
…Buy from Amazon:  UK | US | CAN
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Daler-Rowney System 3 brush (1/4 and 3/4 flat)
…Buy from Amazon:  UK | US | CAN
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Molotow One4All Paint Pens (Signal White 1mm, Skin Pastel 1.5mm, Lilac Pastel 1.5mm)
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)
…Buy from Amazon:  UK | US | CAN

Ball point pen

You can find a list of my favorite and most used art supplies here.

close-up of Easy mini abstract exercise video by Kim Dellow

I mention Inktober in my video today. Are you playing along this year? I’m using Inktober as an excuse to draw some inky animals so come on over to see on my Instagram and let me know if you are too and I will come over and take  look!

And if you need an Inktober pep talk then you might want to re-watch my video from last year’s Inktober!

Enjoy adding this mini abstract exercise into your regular practice and if you want a step by step mini abstract tutorial join my newsletter to get your copy of my ‘Get Creating’ book.


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A year of mixed media classes from 30 different art teachers. Videos, pdfs, download goodies and an art community too. Join my on Life Book 2020 next year! Use the early bird coupon: LOVEBOMB2020 for 20% before the 31st December 2019.


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Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

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