Coming Up In July 2024 Art Club
Hello Amazing Artists!
We have a lot of new art club joiners and I thought that to celebrate over 500 members, and to say thank you to you for joining art club, that July would start a little differently from normal. So if you have been an art clubbie for a while you will know that usually my beginning of the month ‘Welcome’ video is just for the paid tiers. But in July I am going to open it up to the free tier too for the month! I hope you enjoy it.
Usually, we do a creative exercise together but I have just finished one of my sketchbooks so instead I am doing a sketchbook flip-through sharing warts and all! So you can see all the good and the bad because, well, art is about doing and growing and you have to do bad art to do good art. So I hope my sharing will encourage you with your art too. It also coincides with our regular Monday Motivation prompts, so look out for that today!

The rest of art club is going to be a little different this month too! For my paid members I have all our usual projects and inspiration but if you have access to In The Studio (so are on one of the Studio Clubbies tiers, or are a Video-Fanatics founder member) then I have got something a little different coming your way this month too, keep reading!
Ok, let’s start with what we will be doing in Journal Club in July 2024.
Journal Club
It is a fill your pages month this July in Journal Club! Explore the power of doing lots of little abstracts to loosen up and find yourself. So grab your favourite materials and let’s get filling. I’m using collage, pencil, ink and then mixing it up with some paint too.
If art is about doing the work and making lots of art, then this exercise will definitely help you get into that flow and produce more art.

In The Studio
We are going to be carrying on with some animal work ‘In The Studio’ this month and using small format studies. I am sharing the content in a different way this month. So in July I will release a short video every few days, starting the week after Journal club.

That means you have some time to do the focused exercise before moving on to the next one. Or you can save them all up and do them when it suits you.
But either way this small studies format is there to help you explore your most pressing art questions. So start thinking about what you need to know more about at the moment. Is it colour, style, materials etc?. But don’t worry, the first video in this series is about setting up for the exercise so you can go through it then.

July 2024 Art Pack Download
For all of you on a tier that includes the download (Studio Clubbies, Studio PLUS Clubbies and the two founder members) I have a sorbet of elements for you this month. I am calling it a sorbet because that is what the colours kind of remind me off! I am excited to see what you make with it and I will be back at the end of the month with my own make using the pack too.

New To My Art Club? These Are The Tiers:
JOURNAL CLUBBIES: If you want a monthly process to fill your art journal or sketchbook over time. And you also get all of the Journal Clubbies videos going back to June 2022. Join here.
STUDIO LITE CLUBBIES: If you want the Journal Clubbies videos and ‘In The Studio’ videos but don’t want the download or download inspiration video. You also get all of the process videos going back to January 2022. Join here.
STUDIO CLUBBIES: If you want the Journal Clubbies video and ‘In The Studio’ videos AND a monthly art download to play with PLUS the inspiration video for using your download. And you also get all of the process and download videos going back to January 2022. Join here.
STUDIO PLUS CLUBBIES: If you want it ALL! Get all the new content each month, just as with the Studio Clubbies tier but with ALL of the back catalogue of content too! That is all of the monthly art downloads since Sept 2019, all of the art videos and exercises since June 2018! It will definitely keep you arting and playing! Join here.
FREE CLUBBIES: If you want to keep up-to-date with all the goings on in Art Club, with weekly prompts to help you with your arting, but aren’t ready or able to pay yet, for whatever reason! You can still join my art community here. There is a tip jar if you did want to send me something on a more ad hoc bases and you can find that in my shop.
And don’t forget you can change tiers, pause or cancel at any time. Find out how HERE.

I am looking forward to arting with you again this month, or for the first time if you are new to art club! Enjoy your creative month!
Happy Arting,
ps. You can catch up with an over-view of each month in Art Club HERE!