Hey Amazing Artist,
If you are a current member in my Art Club on Patreon or on my then you will know that my art club is changing. Don’t worry it is not going away but it is evolving and I can not wait to invite you to this next stage of arting together!
I really wanted to focus more on our process and practice and finding our art selves. It is very much the direction I have been feeling that my art is going and I would love for you to come with me.
Every month expect art processes, workshops, art plays, downloads and experiments, all centred around creativity and curiosity and all aimed at helping you to art more, to develop your skills, to help add ideas and techniques to your toolbox whilst building your confidence, process and practice to support your own individual art voice.
Whether you are a beginner or someone with more art experience, there is room for us all on this journey and I have a special offer for you!

Art Club Special Offer
My new focus art club with all new tiers, and tier pricing, will be launching from the 1st June 2022 but you can get in NOW at the ground level.
I will be retiring the old tiers at the end of May but everyone with a current subscription, on one of the current tiers, will keep getting access to the art club content for their tier but at the old tier prices and for as long as you keep your subscription active.
So if joining my art club has been something that you have been thinking about then do take the plunge and make good use of this special offer before I bring in the new tier system in June!
Yay! I am really looking forward to arting with you more in art club!
Now, in the meantime a heads-up! Guess who has a video coming to this weekend? That would be me! Put Saturday 16th April 2022 4pm BST (find the time in your area) in your calender! We will be playing with florals so grab:
Any paper
Leftover paper that has colour on it works nicely but, really, any paper or surface you like to work on. I am working on ordinary printer paper that has leftover acrylic paint on it.
Or coloured pens, pencils etc. I will be using my [Affiliate Link].
Flowers or a photo
I will have a FREE reference photo for your own personal use up on my on the day. Already an Art Club member? Then checkout for your reference photo bundle, it is already there for you to play with!
Have fun arting!