Fill Your Art Journal or Sketchbook!
November 2022 art club is here and I am going to tell you all about what to expect this month but stick to the end for some giveaway news too!
So this month’s art club is all about leaves, mixing up lots of different materials together and building on all that we learnt about loosening up our art in October but channelling that loose play into more finished pieces.
So let’s kick off with a peek at the November Journal Club part of art club.
Journal Club
For the November journal club I will be mixing up collage, pencil, paint and ink to build an intuitive page with a loose leafy theme.
Come and art with me as we play and see how these materials can be used together.
In The Studio
In November we are kicking off the Studio Clubbies projects with some complementary colour play and experimenting with ink, paint and collage.
Then let’s take the leafy theme a little further and play with some more ideas for mixing and matching inks, collage, paint and pencils.
This month will be all about filling up pages in our art journals and sketchbooks with lots of ideas building on everything were learnt in October as we loosened up our art.
This month’s Digi-Delighfuls pack will be ready to download on the 2nd November and I will be back nearer the end of the month with some inspiration for using it too. There might be a toadstool or two in this pack! As well as some leaves and wings maybe?!
I am looking forward to arting with you in the November 2022 art club and seeing what we can turn all our October exploring and playing into.
Art Bundles For Good #7 Giveaway!
is back this year and there are three of this year’s bundle up for grabs!
Three lucky people will have a chance to get their hands on the entire #7 including $5700 worth of art courses and other great resources. There are over 111 art resources from more than 90 of your favourite artists. It is such an amazing bundle and I am very excited to be joining it again this year as both a contributor and an affiliate!
It’s , so don’t miss out. It closes on November 2, 2022, 23:59pm NYC time.
And put the November 3, 11:00am NYC time into your calendar because that is when the bundle goes on sale so you can get an amazing art deal whilst also helping charity too, as 25% of the profits from the sale are going to Courageous Kitchen, a Bangkok based charity helping refugees.
Visit to enter.
Good luck!
I look forward to arting with you in November 2022 art club!
Happy Arting,