Life Book 2023 is here! 🎉
Oh my goodness I have been waiting for this day and it is here at last! the Life Book 2023 is here! Two weeks of lovely art to get you introduced to all of your teachers in . Woop! Woop!
I just love all of the art and all of the excitement of the Life Book Taster event. You get a sneak peek of the kind of things to expect when you join the full course that starts in January and you get it all for FREE! Did I say that already?!
But not only that you also get to know the artists teaching and you get to share the art you make with other like minded folk over on the special taster facebook page, which is like another little peek into what being part of the wonderfully supportive art community of all the people on Life Book are like too!
I am always blown away by the all different folks coming together and sharing their art throughout the year. It’s like a year long mixed media art retreat. It’s lovely!
So guess what? I am one of the artists kicking off – my class is up today! And I am so excited about it. As I told my art club members, my session today is about harnessing your wonder and nurturing your creativity and you don’t need anything particularly fancy to get stuck in with it!
I hope that has whetted your appetite!
If you aren’t already signed up to the taster go do it now, for FREE, over on the . I am both a teacher and an affiliate with Willowing Arts, because they rock, and my links are affiliate links, just so you know.
itself starts January 1st and I am already working on my classes for next year. I know what I want to do for them and I can’t wait to share those with you too!
So if you are ready to join 30 mixed media art teachers, to explore your art and keep on being inspired and growing over 2023 then get yourself signed up to and also make good use of your special code that will get you 30% off at the checkout!🎉🤩 I’ve put in in big below so you can’t miss it!
Before you rush off to try my class out, don’t forget the giveaway! Willowing Arts have some FREE places on the whole course up for grabs and you can enter my giveaway by:
1. Visiting this post on Insta then like/ follow/ comment (and sharing would be great too but you don’t have to join! I will just forever love you for helping spread the word!)
2. Joining my and use the competition button in your welcome email to opt in to the comp. If you are already a subbie keep an eye on my upcoming emails for your way to opt in.
Do both 1 and 2 and that is two entries! YAY!
Good luck and have fun arting at the !
Join my – FREE Get Creating E-book + FREE workshop