Free-Up Your Art!
October 2022 Art Club is going to be about being free with your art! So get ready to turn up the playing-for-playing-sake gauge as we explore and try to push what we can do a little.
Being free from outcomes and just letting ourselves play loosely is the aim of the game for us in October, so I hope you will join in!
Journal Club
Paint and play in journal club! Pick some colours, perhaps the same colours you picked in September or maybe you want to change them up a little.
You might also want to grab some random bits and pieces to have on your desk. You don’t have to use them, but you want the freedom to be able to grab them if you get the urge! We will be following those arty urges, and nudges, to build pages in our journals this month.
Studio Club
I have two themed exercises planned for you in October one where we will be getting loose with ink and one where loose abstract collages will be our focus. Both are aimed at helping you to just free-up your play, to let yourself loose and see where it takes you.
And of course there is also the October 2022 Digi-Delightful art pack to download too!
It will be up on the 4th this month so keep your eye out for that. We have doodles and some yummy purples, blues and rusty warm colours in this month’s pack!
And I will be back nearer the end of the month with some project inspiration to help you to use your pack.
So lots of loose play as you can see! I’ve found that the more I play the more I find in my art, the more connections I make and the more I enjoy my art. But to be able to loosen up your play there is often a process of releasing expectations. And the more we practice the better we get at it, just as with anything else.
So make sure you ring-fence some October art time in your calender and let’s just create together for the joy of creating!
Life Book 2023 Taster Time!
Oh and talking of the joy of creating, don’t forget that you can catch my , along with lots of amazing classes from the other Life Book 2023 teachers too and all for free at the moment. Visit the website to make sure you are registered for access.
And if you have been enjoying the classes and want to join us for the the whole course, when it starts 1st Jan 2023, then pre-order your and use your special code: LOVEART30 to get 30% off 🎉🎉
I also have a giveaway too! Don’t forget that either! I have a FREE spot on Life Book 2023 up for grabs, thanks to the lovely Willowing Arts team. Visit this post on Instagram to see how you can join in if you haven’t yet!
I am so looking forward to arting with you in October!
Happy Arting
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