Look What I Got :)

Aren’t I lucky? I received this wonderful RAK from Siri with the most wonderful vintage Norwegian buttons and ribbons she raided from her Mum’s and Granny’s collections! Totally unique. She also made me a gorgeous matching box and card, isn’t it lovely?

What a box of treasures!

Thank you, Siri; now what shall I make…?

Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. sharon

    hi kim, thanks for stopping by my blog last week….hope your “to do” list is going better than mine this week…yikes!
    Enjoy your gift.


  2. Max

    How generous. You are indeed very lucky.


  3. moi

    Kim, thank you for your comments. I have a picture of your Candy with link in my Side-bar, but I will mention it in my next Post 😉

    hugs, moi

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