Collage with me! I have a new art project video for you today. So go grab the Digi-Delightfuls download and let’s art together.
It’s been a while since I last shared a project on YouTube with you but I hope to be posting more there this year and that this will be the first of many. Of course, I have still been arting and you can find so many videos and downloads over in my Patreon art club and get immediate access to them for just a few dollars, I real bargain, but then I would say that wouldn’t I?!
——— S U P P L I E S ———
Digi-Delightfuls download on Patreon
[Affiliate Link] –
Iron Green
Poppy red
Sicilian yellow
The glue I use: Gel Medium (Gloss) I decant into a bottle

I hope you have a lovely art session today and enjoy your collage with me process. If you want to get even more into the art flow watch of mixed media projects next.

Come and join me on Patreon for monthly videos and downloads to help you to play, experiment and improve your art.

Join my and get a FREE art workshop PLUS your copy of my ‘Get Creating’ workbook.