VIDEO: Inktober – How To Keep Going

  So I wasn't going to join in with Inktober this year. I didn't think I would be able to fit it in. But I changed my mind at the very last minute, I mean literally on the day it started, October 1st! And now we are almost, not quite, but pretty close to halfway through the month. So how are you…


Gouache Paint And Ink Spring Leaves And Buds

It may be a new week but I am still on a Spring inspired theme here on my blog! But as Spring is just starting to be Sprung (!) you can't really blame me can you? So my inspiration share this Monday to get you Springing into creative action for this new week is actually linked to the project I shared on…


Stylised Spring Flower Illustration

Is it safe to say that Spring is here in the UK? It feels like it has arrived. This week the sun has been out and it has been bright and warm. What a difference a bit of sunshine makes! So here today let me offer you a Stylised Spring Flower Illustration to bring a bit of Spring to your Friday where…


Fashion Artist And Illustrators To Follow On Instagram

Did you watch London Fashion Week last week? All caught up with what is hot and not this season and next season? I have to admit that I am a bit clueless when it comes to fashion, would not know my *insert current top designer's name here* from my *insert a different current top designer's name here*, yes it is that bad,…


The 2017 Dellow Daily Drawing Challenge!

Welcome to the 2017 Dellow Daily Drawing Challenge! Wahoo! Erm what? Back in December I introduced you to one of my favourite creative exercises in a blog post called 'A Fun Sketching Exercise To Turn Into A Habit For 2017' because I love playing with it and I thought you might like it too. When I wrote that blog post I was writing…


A Fun Sketching Exercise To Turn Into A Habit For 2017

One thing that I've been really working on this year is developing my own art. I have a few goals with my artwork, such as to improve my sketching, to build up a portfolio of motifs and designs and to develop my own signature style. Do you recognise some or all of these goals as ones that you hold dear too? If…


Sharing Art Journal Projects

I've been really enjoying getting back into doing my art for myself this week. I don't know if this happens to you, but often I find that my own work can fall by the wayside when I have deadlines to meet and art to do for other people. But this week I have, for once, got ahead of my deadlines and have…


Show Your Face – Change Hands

Hello amazing Facers, another week and another share of any face/ portrait we have been working at this week. Have you tried the optional Changing Hands prompt as suggested by Hazel Agnew? Hope you get a chance to give it a go at least once this month. Ok, time to share! First up the admin... Schedule: Change Hands - August 2016 (try using…


Show Your Face – Quick Draw

Hello amazing Facers, are you ready for a new share? Remember that we still have the Quick Draw prompt, as suggested by Gibby Frogett, for anyone who wants to use it. Let's get sharing! First up the admin... Schedule:  Quick Draw Faces - July 2016 (set a timer to say 10-15 min - or less if you dare! - and draw a face or…


Sketching Terrariums For GROWLondon And London Terrariums

You might not know this about me but I love growing things. I might have mentioned that since our move, a couple of years ago, we now have a garden - oh how wondrous it is to have your own outdoor space, especially when you have lived in flats with no outdoor space for many decades. But I am kind of wishing…


Show Your Face

Hey Facers, September is here which means no more 'Show Your Face Inspired By' and back to the regular 'Show Your Face'. Wahoo! Before we rush on I would really like you to take a minute to think about what you got out of it 'Show Your Face Inspired By'. If you didn't get a chance to join in then don't worry,…