Christmas In A Sardine Tin Tutorial

Putting up our Christmas decorations this weekend I came across a project that I did last year for Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft. Some of you might remember it, I had a step by step tutorial for it too but the tutorial only went up on the Design Memory Craft blog and I thought it might be fun to post it here on…


Heads-Up, Shout-Outs And News

Hello lovely Arty fluff bundles, I hope that you are all doing ok this week, getting some creativity done in-amongst all the other demands on your time! I have some heads-up, shout-outs and news to share today, but I will admit I am starting to the lose the plot a bit so if I am repeating myself I apologise! So the heads-up first, the…


Christmas In A Sardine Tin

Who is up for Christmas in a Sardine tin? Yep, I've been altering sardine tins again, I just can't help myself! Well I did make David eat quite a few so I have some empty tins stacked up ready to use.  For this one I fancied seeing if I could cram Christmas into my tin using the Red, Green and Yellow Faber-Castell Design…


Sunshine In A Tin

Morning Sunrays! I've mentioned a couple of times here on my blog that I've been making a project for the lovely Julie Kirk's A Month Of Sunrays theme running on her gorgeous blog Notes On Paper.  She posted the project last week but for anyone who hasn't had a chance to visit Julie's blog here is my finished altered Sardine tin: I had…


A Month Of Sunrays With Julie Kirk

So yesterday I waved my sardine tin under your noses (LOL - did you see what I did there?) with the promise to show you the finished project later. Well the project is now ready for inspection over at Julie Kirk's gorgeous blog Notes On Paper as part of her A Month Of Sunrays. Here is a sneaky peek to whet your appetite for…


What Is On Your Work Desk Wednesday (WOYWW) – Sardine Tin!

YAY! Wednesday is here again! Welcome WOYWW hoppers, nice to see you all! Ok so I spy on my suprisingly tidy desk...A Sardine Tin, some wire, some Washi tape: Any regular viewers to my blog will know I'm a bit of a sardine tin altering nerd. This one is going to be for Julie Kirk's A Month Of Sunrays. Tune in later…


How You Getting On With Those Sardine Tins?

I've been altering sardine tins again, this time for a swap over at UKStampers. I loved the first one I did in April and this one was just as fun! I've called it 'In The Frame'. At the moment I'm just altering the inside of the sardine tin as I like the juxtaposition of a little unexpected world inside an everyday object. The…


Are You Crazy About Sardine Tin Art?

I am! Ok so you guys are going to start thinking that I have some sort of Sardine Tin obsession - it is just coincidence - honest! But you got to admit it Sardine tins are perfect size for a little bit of altering into art? Don't you think? I've recycled this tin with a Spring theme and using a variety of…


What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday

Sardines? Sardines? So what is with that ~20 year old Tin of Sardines? No I haven't gone mad (?), but I just thought that after last week's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday that I might give a little explanation about the Sardines! I did got lots of queries (and suggestions) about them.  Thanks Doone for suggesting that my ~20 year old tin of Sardines and…


What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday

Wednesday. Midway through the week and time to catch up on our messy workspaces. Yep, It is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday and only some of the things in my piccy today are used for making art! Can you guess which they are? Nope, I'm not too sure either! Eeek! Have a fun WOYWW and remember to pop on over to the…