Another Die-Cut Design For Men

Welcome to the last of my four die-cut designs for men. All four cards have been designed around a common theme using simple die-cut shapes but they all use various different aspects of design theory. If you look back over the month at each of the cards I have posted on the last four Monday then you can see some of the usual card…


More Card Ideas For Men

Time for my third card in this card designs for men series. If you have missed it I have been posting a card designed for a man on Monday for the last two weeks, but, as I said in the first post of this series they really don't need to be designs just for men, you can use them for women too!…

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Another Birthday Card Design For Men

If you happened by my blog last Monday I shared a male cards in my 'Die-cut Cards for Men' blog post, as well as my general anxiety about calling things either male or female! This week I have another share from the same set of cards that I made for a commission earlier in the year. It is also a male card, and I…


Die-cut Cards For Men

I often um and ah about labelling my card designs specifically for men or women. Cardmakers often talk about cards for men or cards for women, but I try to be a bit nebulous about it, if I can, when I share my makes. Because, well, I will be honest, I often LOVE cards that have supposedly been made with men in…