Coming up In December 2023 Art Club
Hey Arty,
Thank you so much for joining me and digging into your connections in November. It was a lot of fun and I hope it has inspired some new ideas for you to follow and new understanding of your arty loves.
In December we will be looking at a couple of faves: doodles and focal images, and doing some work to help us build on both of these for our pieces.
We shall kick off the month with the Welcome video, for all the paid Art Club tiers, and a preview of all the projects and the download. Then, I thought for this month we could do a little doodle composition play to get us set up for our first couple of projects for the month.
Getting us ready to jump straight into Journal Club!
Journal Club
We are going to get stuck into layering colour and doodles in December and starting with a page for Journal Clubbies, all three Studio Clubbies tiers and founder member Video-Fanatics.

As we work through this page we will explore composition, layering, colour usage, visual texture and that all important question of what is too much and what is too little. Journal club is a great place to practice and play and explore these things so get your doodles out and let’s play!
In The Studio
Then all three Studio Clubbies, and founder member Video-Fanatics, let’s go further. Let’s take this opportunity to deep dive into how to layer to add visual texture. Using our colours and doodles and composition loves. Testing, as we go, our limits with harmony v chaos and discovering what makes a good page for us. And when I say ‘good’ I really mean something that you like, that makes you happy.
We are going to have some layering fun with our doodle pages in Journal Club and the first ‘In The Studio’!

For our second ‘In The Studio’ exercise it is a change in tack to focal images but a little bit of a different take on focal images for December. This ‘In The Studio’ creative exercise is all about exploring your drawing and building your focal images catalogue.
I am all for building your own art catalogue. It’s one of my favourite exercises and it has helped me in so many different ways. Building up your own catalogue of art ideas means that you are never stuck for a texture, doodle, idea, etc. because you have built up your own references to dip into and you have practised them too.

In art club, over time, I have given you exercises to help you build your doodle catalogue, your texture catalogue, you motif catalogue etc. In November we where even working on our catalogue of interests, stories and themes. So this month let’s work on our focal images and I have an exercise to get you started on that.
You might want to bring a connection or too from your November play to the studio for this one!
December 2023 Art Download
The December 2023 download for your collage play is a bright and colourful mix of some of the art club projects from the last couple of months. So lots of abstract elements, focal images and a beautiful background to use as it is or to tear and cut up into something new.

The November download felt very Autumnal but I think we have jumped straight into Spring for this one so something warm and sunny for your December.
New To My Art Club? These Are The Tiers:
JOURNAL CLUBBIES: You are looking for a monthly process to fill your art journal or sketchbook over time. And you also get all of the Journal Clubbies videos going back to June 2022. Join here.
STUDIO LITE CLUBBIES: If you want the Journal Clubbies videos and ‘In The Studio’ videos but don’t want the download or download inspiration video. You also get all of the process videos going back to January 2022. Join here.
STUDIO CLUBBIES: If you want the Journal Clubbies video and ‘In The Studio’ videos AND a monthly art download to play with PLUS the inspiration video for using your download. And you also get all of the process and download videos going back to January 2022. Join here.
STUDIO PLUS CLUBBIES: If you want it ALL! Get all the new content each month, just as with the Studio Clubbies tier but with ALL of the back catalogue of content too! That is all of the monthly art downloads since Sept 2019, all of the art videos and exercises since June 2018! It will definitely keep you arting and playing! Join here.
FREE CLUBBIES: If you want to keep up-to-date with all the goings on in Art Club, with weekly prompts to help you with your arting, but aren’t ready or able to pay yet, for whatever reason! You can still join my art community on Patreon! There is a tip jar if you did want to send me something on a more ad hoc bases. You can find that in my shop.
And don’t forget you can change tiers, pause or cancel at any time.

I hope that has given you a bit of an insight into our arting together for December to round off the year and I really hope you can join in.
If you would like all the videos and downloads do pick out a tier that suits you best HERE and come and join in! There is so much in art club to binge and get you playing even without the new content coming up this month!
Keep arting and having fun and of course don’t forget your weekly prompts will be running for everyone, free and paid members, throughout December too!
Catch you later Art Clubbie!
Happy Arting,