Coming up In September 2023 Art Club
Last month was so much fun over in Art Club, I really enjoyed arting with you if you had a chance to be there. If you were arting with me in art club last month, I don’t know if you noticed, but I did a few double pages here and there in August. In the ‘Colours; Not feeling it’ video and even in the August Digi-Delightfuls inspiration for your download pack video, I ended up doing two projects. I mean I have only just realised this was a thing myself! So I decided to lean into it for September.
Which means that September is about doing two pieces at once, so filling more pages in your sketchbook or art journal, stretching out ideas, trying different things and just having fun experimenting with a few ‘what ifs’ to get you sparking with inspiration to keep you creating.
Sound good? Ok, let’s have a peek at what is coming up in my September 2023 Art Club!
Journal Club

If you have access to the Journal Clubbies tier (Journal Clubbies, all three Studio Clubbies tiers and the Video-Fanatics Founder members) we are going to take the inspiration from the August Journal Clubbies projects and take it a little bit further.
This time going from geometric shapes to one of my favourites, organic shapes, and just seeing what else can spark us with colours and shapes.
In The Studio

If you are able to join me this month in the studio, which is open for all three Studio Clubbies tiers and the Video-Fanatic Founder member tier, then I have two different processes for you to play with this month and four pages in total.
We are going to start my exploring some collage, pencil or paint textures and using lettering this month.

Then we have some painting processes. One of them also with a bit of collage.
But there is more that connects all of these projects. Everything is connected. Colour and shapes are a strong feature in the work this month and taking ideas and using them or expressing them in different ways is where we will be focusing and exploring as we work.
September 2023 Art Download

The September 2023 Digi-Delightfuls download for your printing and collaging play will be up in the first week, as usual, for the Studio and Studio PLUS Clubbies (and the Video-Fanatics and Digi-Delightfuls Founder members). This month it is taking on a little bit of an undersea feel to it! And I will be back nearer the end of the month to share my projects for a little bit of inspiration to get you playing!
Then last, but not least, we have the September Welcome video for all members which is my opportunity to show you what is coming up in more depth and to art with you too! So I look forward to sharing that with you on the 1st Sept, TODAY!
Also don’t forget we will have all of the usual posts like the weekly motivation post every Monday and our Artist to Explore for September. PLUS I have something BIG coming up for you in September so keep your eyes on my public feed here for that!

New To My Art Club? These Are The Tiers:
JOURNAL CLUBBIES: You are looking for a monthly process to fill your art journal or sketchbook over time. And you also get all of the Journal Clubbies videos going back to June 2022.
STUDIO LITE CLUBBIES: If you want the Journal Clubbies videos and ‘In The Studio’ videos but don’t want the download or download inspiration video. You also get all of the process videos going back to January 2022.
STUDIO CLUBBIES: If you want the Journal Clubbies video and ‘In The Studio’ videos AND a monthly art download to play with PLUS the inspiration video for using your download. And you also get all of the process and download videos going back to January 2022.
STUDIO PLUS CLUBBIES: If you want it ALL! Get all the new content each month, just as with the Studio Clubbies tier but with ALL of the back catalogue of content too! That is all of the monthly art downloads since Sept 2019, all of the art videos and exercises since June 2018! It will definitely keep you arting and playing!
And don’t forget you can change tiers, pause or cancel at any time.
I am just really excited to be arting with you again this month and exploring these ideas in more depth so I hope that you are able to join me in art club for September and let’s see where it takes us.
Happy Arting,