Coming Up In June 2022 Art Club

Explore your art YOU, do more fearless art
and find YOUR art practice.

Hey Amazing Artist, 

June is going to be a fun art month as I have lots of things lined up, including some surprises happening that you will definitely want to get your art materials out for! 

And our new focus art club is here! 🎉 So things might look a little different to what you are used to, like the new tier names for starters!

I am super excited to get arting with you, to discover our art way, so I will jump right in with what we will be arting this month…

Journal Club

The first page in the NEW Journal Club will be happening in June and this month we are going to play with shapes and colour to get us working.

So grab your colouring materials and your art journal. I am working in my junk journal, which for me is an old events flyer. And I will be using acrylic paint and Inktense pencils for mine as they are my current faves to mix and match with. Bring what you love to use, it doesn’t have to be the same as me!

In The Studio

This month we will be in the materials corner of the studio!

Playing with inks and testing out a new (to me anyway) material – graphite putty. Doing some paper to paper printing or kissing and getting ideas for using all the papers we make in our play. 

Prepare to get messy and let go of outcomes as we play fearlessly and explore. Again you don’t have to use the same products as me at all but of course they will be all listed in case you wanted to.

Don’t forget that we also have our monthly download to play with and that will be ready to download this week so that you have plenty of time to download it before it goes at the end of the month. 

Unless, of course, you are a Studio PLUS Clubbie, then you keep access to it, and all of the back catalogue of downloads, for as long as you have your active subscription. 

There will be project inspiration for using the download later in the month, plus our weekly prompts to keep you arting and our June Artist to Explore. I wonder who it will be this month?

So a busy month of arting!

I can’t wait, see you there!


Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

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