Yay! The Free Life Book 2020 Creativity and Wellbeing Summit has started! You can find out more about it in my video today whilst watching me doing one of my Daily Doodle Diary doodles and maybe being a little silly too *wink!
Oh and I have a new pen to show you, that I am just trying out. It is a brush fountain pen. Have you tried one? The one I am using is listed below the video.
Sorry! Sidetracked by a pen! So the Summit is an amazing collection of creative inspiration and free art content, so have a load of fun watching the artist interviews, playing along with the activities and enjoy the free goody bag too! And if you haven’t yet joined in, you can join on the Life Book Summit Page.
Support my work on Patreon and get behind the scenes, chats and exclusive videos! (Not sure what Patreon is then watch this short video explainer!)
VIDEO: Mark Making Doodle + Teaching News!
[There are some affiliate links in this blog post, so if you buy through them I do get a small amount of money at no extra cost to yourself, but it really does help. Thanks for your support!]
——— S U P P L I E S ———
Old diary
Caran D’Ache Pablo coloring pencils
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)
Sharpie Fine Tip Pen (I also used a zig one too)
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
Pentel Refillable Pocket Brush Pen
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)
Uni pin Fineline Marker pen – Brush Nib
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
…Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)
Sailor Fude De Mannen (55 degree nib angle)
…Buy From Amazon: UK | US | CAN
You can find a list of my favorite and most used art supplies here.
Right, well after that bit of silliness I better get on with my videos. Did I tell you I had the worse boss ever?!
A year of mixed media classes from 30 different art teachers. Videos, pdfs, download goodies and an art community too. Join my on Life Book 2020 next year! Use the early bird coupon: LOVEBOMB2020 for 20% before the 31st December 2019.
Come And Connect With Me:
Hi Kim
this is why I just love webcams… so one can chat with friends and loved ones like being in the same room.
You have been on create & craft? When was that? I must have missed that. Ok, haven’t watched it for some years now as I can’t find the time 🙁
You are getting grey my friend… trying to compete with me? Every time I look in the mirror I see more and more white. But hey… we are allowed to be that way, aren’t we? It only makes us wise and elegant… hahaha
I have never seen a video where you haven’t been very good with what you were showing. So don’t you worry about that.
Btw, Monday I got that email of yours about the lots of free art content in my gmail, the one I signed up with the other day to control what mails are getting through. Haven’t got that mail in my freenet, and it is not in the spam either. That is really weird.
Hope you have a lovely evening 🙂
Greetings from very autumnly Germany
Hey Rena,
🤣🤣 Yay the greys! I have given up covering them up! We should celebrate them. I think I am getting used to going grey now and it is all the trend at the moment, which is lucky for us, right?! 🤣🤣
Thank you lovely friend for the kind comments on my videos. It is strange watching yourself all the time on videos and wondering how other people see them! So I was on create and craft many moons ago, a couple of times for Kuretake and a couple of times for Creative Expressions. I can’t remember exactly when as I am rubbish with timelines! They were a very interesting experience though.
So strange about the emails, but as long as you are getting them now via you other sign up.
Sorry my reply was so late I have been away for a holiday and refresh.
Have lovely day,
From drizzle-filled UK!