VIDEO: Drawing With Ink – Art Journal Doodles With A Fountain Pen


Do you use a fountain pen in your art journaling and if you do what ink do you use? Recently I have been doing more fountain pen art. I really love the feel and flow of using a fountain pen. It is great for doodles and also for sketching too but I wanted to find out if I could use it in my art journaling as I haven’t yet tried it in my journaling until today. Have you used your fountain pen in your art journal? Let me know, I would love to hear your experiences!

Now if you are into your fountain pens then you might know that finding a waterproof or truly water resistant ink for the fountain pen is quite hard. So I am trying out one today and sharing the fountain pen art results in my Wednesday art video. Plus I have some general art journaling tips for you too, so it isn’t just all about the pen and ink!

As usually I have listed all the products used below the video and there are links to other videos that might interest you too at the bottom of this page, so just scroll down.


VIDEO: Drawing With Ink – Art Journal Doodles With A Fountain Pen




[There are some affiliate links in this blog post, so if you buy through them I do get a small amount of money at no extra cost to yourself, but it really does help. Thanks for your support!]

——— S U P P L I E S ———

De Atramentis Document Ink-Black water resistant fountain pen bottled ink
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
… (Has some international shipping)

Lamy Safari fountain pen (I used a fine nib)
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN

Lamy Safari fountain pen converter
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN

PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Paint
Buy from Amazon UK
Buy from PaperArtsy UK (Ships Worldwide)
Buy from SimonSaysStamp US (Ships Worldwide)

Amsterdam Standard Acrylic Paint (Naples Yellow Red, Pyrrole Red, Turquoise Green)
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Amsterdam Acrylic Paint nozzles
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Journaling cards/ project life cards / pocket cards

Tracing paper
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
.. (Ships Worldwide)

Pencil 2b or softer


Round brushes size 0
Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Ranger Artist Brushes
Buy from Blitsy (Ships Worldwide)
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN

Golden Regular gel (Gloss) Or any glue to glue on the paper
…Buy from Amazon: UK | US | CAN
Buy from Jackson’s Art UK (Ships Worldwide)

Creative Stencils (I used Leaves)
Buy From CraftStash UK (Ships Worldwide)

Kitchen sponge


You can find a list of my favorite and most used art supplies here.



You can watch my last art journal video using art journaling cards in .  And I have a full playlist of inky ideas for you to watch too, watch those .

I hope that you enjoyed that fountain pen art inspiration. I am looking forward to hearing your fountain pen art journaling experiences so do share! Have a fun creative few days until our next art catch up on Sunday!


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Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

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