Starting Something New

As some of you know I sent out my first ever newsletter on Tuesday. If you are one of the lovely people who joined up then a massive THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

It is one of those things that has been on my to-do list for a mighty long time and in my usual not-getting-it-done sort of way I’ve been umming and ahhing about it. I just wasn’t really sure what I could add to your already over-filled inboxes. I mean that is the thing isn’t it? We all sign up to newsletters, there are loads of them around but what do we get from them? What makes us open them and read them? Do tell!

Well, anyway, after talking myself around a loop for a while I’ve finally bitten the paint tube (or bullet if you prefer!) and launched my newsletter. I hope that over the coming months you will get something of interest or use to you on your creative or blog hopping journey from my newsletter. Do let me know if there is anything that you would like me to cover.

Ok, so this is me, following my own advice from my first newsletter, I mean I kind of have to don’t I?

Sharing my three goals

Here are my three things I would really like to get done before January 2016:

  1. Add at least 1 new video to YouTube.
  2. Clean up my Tutorial page here on my blog.
  3. Make more canvas art.

That should be doable, right?

If you have some goals you want to share with me then please do, I’m using the hashtag #Sharing2015GoalsWithKim if you want to share via social media. Or just leave your goals in the comments below. We can help each other get our goals done!

If your want to join my newsletter for creative living tips, news and inspiration, then please do sign up below:

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Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. misteejay

    Oh ear, I managed to miss my first "to do" thing which was to subscribe to your newsletter – sorry! All sorted now.
    The main goal that I have set myself at the moment isn't a crafting one. With working full-time I have fallen into the easy trap of just grabbing pre-prepared veggies and the like from my local supermarket. I am making a big effort to buy more locally produced stuff from the Farm shop and keeping my freezer suitably stocked.
    Toni xx

    1. Kim Dellow

      Ahh thanks Toni, I've just sent you a copy 🙂
      I love your goal, it is a really good one. It is so hard getting that balance right in our busy lives isn't it! But think all that yummy food – it will be worth it! Have a good Friday. Kx

  2. misteejay

    Ooops, looks like someone has eaten the "d" form 'Oh dear'…LOL
    Toni xx

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