Check This Out – Going All Space Age

Yesterday saw the new issue of Simply Cards and Papercraft, 117, hitting the shop shelves and I have to tell you, when I got my copy it put a HUGE smile on my face!

Love it to bits! Check out the photos of my Galaxy-themed makes, Tym Leckey and the Simply Cards & Papercraft team have dressed them brilliantly! I’m sure they will make you smile too! Tee hee!

Ok, well I am a BIG science nerd so this was right up my space avenue! Sooo want one of those astronauts!

I’ve got two cards in the Cardmaker’s challenge too, just love what all the guys have done with the New Year theme, all so different and inspiring. I went for a sort of hot and fiery sunshine look with the sunrays from the Paperbabe High in the Sky Stamp set.

There is an amazing Kaisercraft cover gift too with a stamp, papers and luggage tags, and lots of beautiful inspiration from everyone, so really – you NEED to get this mag!

Before you rush out to your newsagents you might want to check out the Creative Expressions Facebook page, they have their regular Friday before 5pm giveaway. Go sign up!

(I’m being so bossy today aren’t I?!)

Ok, I’m out of here, still have lots of work on my Cox & Kings Competition piece – Gulp!

Have a fun Friday.


Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Shirley Davis

    You've been on the little-known arty-crafty assertiveness course, haven't you? Going to look at the magazine now, and must use my Get Stamping stamps soon! I'm still stroking them, metaphorically speaking.

  2. misteejay

    **giggle** – you are being Miss Bossy-boots, aren't you **snigger**

    I got my copy on my way home from work on Friday and will be sitting down later for my 'Sunday browse'.

    Toni xx

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