Ok, so I have another circle card for the Fiskarettes, I’ve gone circle crazy! It is just a lovely shape to work with as a card designer don;t you think?
Last year I wrote a post talking about how hearts are kind of my ‘goto shape’ and lots of folks said that it was theirs too as well as stars, which is another firm favourite. But what about circles?
What do you guys do with your circles?
I might try seeing if I can use other basic shapes as the focus. How about a square focus? I can see rectangles being easy to make a focus off. But what about Triangles? Anyone ever tried to make triangles the focal point in a make?
Just some random thoughts running through my head!
Have a shape-filled Tuesday!
Very clever Kim yet so simple in its inspirational origin – it takes talent to come up with ideas that truly get others thinking!
Love this Kim.
C xx
Ooh! this is fab Kim.
Donna x
Fabulous, love your circle make and it's a very inspirational way of thinking, maybe I will try some different shapes. Thanks for sharing
Lindsay xx