Just a bit of a fly by from me today, I’m in the middle of some last minute sample making for my demo this Saturday at Stamp Addicts in Bedford.
Here is a little sneaky peek at one of the samples…
You guessed it I’m doing a Basically Bare Demo for Kuretake this week. He is one of the felt Owls from the Stackabellies Owls kit and I’ve done a bit of stitchery on him.
Right, well I better get on. Hope to see you between 10am-4pm at Stamp Addicts. I won’t be the only person demoing, it is a free demoing event so should be great fun!
This looks very interesting. Loving the patchwork.
Doing Life
have fun Kim, I too am with my art at a exhibition, fingers crosses all goes well ☺ love the little owl. hugs
Love3 your patchwork Owl Kim Have fun demoing Hugs Elaine
so funky! hugs Juls
Very bright and cheery!
…so cute…he's a bright & cheery fellow…have fun Kim…Mel 🙂
He's a cutie. Just popped over to check your demo dates :)x
Isn't he sweet – love the patchwork.
Toni xx