Sunshine In A Tin

Morning Sunrays! I’ve mentioned a couple of times here on my blog that I’ve been making a project for the lovely Julie Kirk’s A Month Of Sunrays theme running on her gorgeous blog Notes On Paper

She posted the project last week but for anyone who hasn’t had a chance to visit Julie’s blog here is my finished altered Sardine tin:

I had this image of a large yellow sun rattling around in my head a few days before Julie contacted me, I think that it was just waiting for A Month Of Sunrays!

Sardine tins are great to work in, I think I will have to do some more and you get to see what I’ve been eating LOL!

The inside of the tin is covered with Washi Tape and the sun is made from it too. So I might have mentioned Washi Tape a few times on my blog *cheeky grin* but I am besotted with the stuff and use it everywhere. I think I get distracted by all the pretty colours and little designs!

If you haven’t popped over to Julie’s blog yet then please do go and take a peak and you still have time to enter the Ribbon Girl Blog Candy if you are quick!

Catch you later!


Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Jing

    lovely project … super cute!

  2. Sandy

    Oh Kim what a great idea.
    I love this. Really awesome. xoxo

  3. Milla

    Your washi tape sun is so pretty! I was actually quite inspired by your Sardine Tin Art so I made a tin of my own! 🙂 Well, it's not a sardine tin but anyways… Hop over to my blog if you want to have a look 🙂 And thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

  4. Tina

    Love, Love, Love this sardine tin ART! It is super amazing and inspiring!

  5. Alessandra

    such a cool idea! It's a nice little soemthing to have somewhere in your house as decoration.
    Love, Alessandra

  6. Donna Mosley

    Oh! wow Kim, this looks amazing. Fab recycling. :o)

    Donna x

  7. Deb (dcorder)

    OMG! This is awesome! I so want to do some sardine cans!! (GRIN)

  8. hazel

    This is wonderful Kim, I love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Squirrel x

    Wouldn't it be fab to open a tin and find it all sunny?! Gorgeous hun. Hugs Sxx

  10. Princess Judy Palmer

    Gorgeous tin! So cheerful! I'm starting to "get" this washi tape thing but I don't think I'll ever get to your league. Thanks for sharing your sunny project with us.

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