Sunday Round-Up

Well would you believe it, May 1st is with us and I’m starting to wonder how my goals for this year are going. So I thought as well as Spring cleaning my workspace I might Spring clean my mental space too!

Mmm this might take a bit of doing as it requires me to set some time aside to actually do some thinking and reassessing. Ok so this is going to be a work in progress as there always seems to be something around to distract me. Like Pinterest for example.

Oh boy a new online obsessions for me to procrastinate with and I thought that Twitter and Facebook were bad enough! But now I get to keep all of those piccies that make my heart sing in an easily accessible place. Which means I’m spending my time searching for gorgeous inspiration and not actually working on my goals. Hey ho! 


I need HELP! Got any tips for keeping away from the procrastination? 

Wot? Turn off the computer you say? B-U-T  I  C-A-N’T! NOT THE COMP-U-TER!


Before I go a searching for more piccies a little shout out to the guys over at Deze is Ook Leuk:

Which I think means ‘This Is Fun’ (thanks Google Translate!).

If you haven’t checked these guys out it is well worth a look-see as they have a fabulous collection of crafty tips, tutorials, ideas and inspiration links all in one place – very useful.

They were kind enough to pick my tutorial for the Circle Flowers to add to their link collection – thank guys! I’m honoured to be in your group!

Well the photos are calling…catch you on Pinterest!


Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Janine

    Hi Kim, the way you're thinking mentaly cleaning up, that is the way I do it almost every mounth, it is something that we have to considere, isn't it? And yes you are right, the lik from DIOL means, 'this is also fun'. ☺ I make often your flowers, tomorow I'll show again 'your' flowers, LOL, have a great sunday and good looking 'cleaning' kind regards, Janine

  2. I can't help Kim, I'm a procrastinator too! I love the Deze is ook leuk site, it's great, isn't it? Good luck with the sorting out, Judith xx

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