Monday Is Photo Share Day!

Happy Monday to you all, I have no makes to show you today so I thought I would put up one of my photographs from a trip to China some years ago. I kinda love this photo as it has a lot of atmosphere and is just a wonderful insight into the daily life of another culture. I love exploring different cultures and the way we Humans are all basically the same.

Mondays are my favourite day of the week, which is a large improvement to when I was doing the 9-5 and Monday was my worst day of the week! Now Mondays are full of the promise of new opportunities and the start of a week of possibilities. 

This particular Monday has not started at it’s best as I have a touch of a migraine trying to take over my day but I won’t let it as I have so much I need to do this week 🙂

Right I shall let you get on and I hope that you have a wonderful day full of opportunities.

Oh and if you have any Photos to share today I would love to see them – just leave a comment

 and I will come and have a nose 🙂


Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Eva

    Hi Kim!
    I read and always enjoy your blog posts. Just thought I'd leave a little trace behind for once. Asian culture (both old and modern) is fascinating, and I really like your picture! Can't help but wonder what that sign says… 😉

    I've been posting a picture every Monday the last 16 weeks as a part of my Project 52 (one picture a week for a year). My focus is on everyday life, the little things that usually don't make it into our photo albums. They are, after all, what we spend most of our time doing, and I wanted to try to capture some of those moments. Last week's picture (posted today) isn't among the most interesting ones unfortunately, but you could always have a look at some of the previous ones.

    PS: I love those little gears you used on your last project! Must try to get my hands on some…

  2. Doone

    HI kim, sorry I have been replete in commenting – loved all your work posted over the last fortnight – this time I have to comment as I have an ask…

    Are they playing 'go'?
    when Niall's dad & partner were in China Teaching English as a Foreign Language I asked them to pick me up a chinese set – no luck…

    Love this image


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