Oooo Look At These!

Hey-up everyone!

Just a quick blog post to show some of the new alterable shapes that Elaine has just added to Quixotic Paperie. There are lots of wonderful Christmas and all year round shapes and if you keep an eye on her blog you will see some fabby examples of some of the shapes in use 🙂

Aren’t they cool? These are just a small selection of what is on offer, there are all different shapes and sizes and they start at only 20p!

I was just so excited that I had to show and tell, LOL! Will be back later with a card If I can get it done before the sun goes down that is! Fingers crossed 🙂

Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Risa

    How cool are these images! I can't wait to see what you do with these cuties Kim!

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