Didn’t We Have A Lovely Time The Day We Went To Ally Pally?

I was the luckiest girl in the world to be able to spend just a lovely craft-filled day at Ally Pally with these three gorgeous and talented ladies πŸ™‚

Jo from Rambling Boots, Chris from Sketching Stamper and Kim from PaperBabe. We had just the best time ever crafty shopping, chatting, comparing ideas, drinking tea, eating chocolate cake and stamping – all of my favourite things πŸ™‚

But we also bumped into some other amazing and talented crafty bloggers…

Cat Whiskers Jackie (seated) and Scrap Journey Debby (standing). Oh and that is me in the lilac btw, LOL!

and Caz from A load of old Blogocks, Marlene from A lil Bit Of Me and Bev from All the Things I Love.

Thanks Jo for the lovely photos!

It was just a real pleasure to meet you all and to anyone who has not done this yet – meeting with crafty bloggy pals – I would so recommend it πŸ™‚ I know that The Birmingham show in November is going to busy!

Before I go I just thought I would let you know about a fantastic Card World Tour going on at Moxie Fab World in preparation for the World Card Making Day on the 3rd October. There are lots of wonderful cards to see from all over the world this week and some amazing blog candy to win.

Enjoy your day you all

Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Jo (Boots the Monkey)

    Ummm, don't know about being gorgeous and talented but its nice to be told that ! It was so fantastic to meet you Kim and can't wait to meet up again soon. Wasn't it just a fantastic day ? Thank you for making my first show a day to always remember with such fantastic friends. I've told Kim she has to take her Mary Poppins bag to Birmingham and I'll send on a piece of choccy cake if you are not able to make it !!

    Have a great day,


    Jo xxx

  2. Tara

    Wish I could have been there Kim, heard about your Mary Poppins bag filled with choccie cake!!!
    Look forward to seeing you in November ;o)
    Hugs Tara xx

  3. Kaye's Crafty Place

    Wow not heard that song for a very long time! Looks like you all had a fab time and would love to have been there.

    Kaye x

  4. mar1ene

    Heyyy Kim,

    it was just luvly meeting up with you gals, I've had a whale of a time!!! πŸ™‚
    I don't know what you mean… everything in trolly is in photo… maybe stacked up abit.. but its there!! heehee

    Can't wait for Birmingham.. have to keep in touch about what day everyone is going πŸ™‚

    Hugs, Marlene xx

  5. Elaine

    Looks like you all had a fab time! Will have to see what I can do about getting to the NEC. I want cake!

  6. kim-paperbabe

    Hi Kim, it really was such a fantastic day, I loved meeting all of you. I'm so looking forward to NEC. might have to find other things for my poppins bag… ROTFL,

    BiG Happy HuGs Kim πŸ™‚

  7. Desire Fourie

    Kim thank you so much for sharing these photos. Its amazing that I am following most of these talented crafters work through their blogs all the way here from South Africa and it feels like I have known them forever.

  8. Risa

    Hi Kim,
    Thanks for sharing the awesome photos! It looks like you all had a great time at the craft show. Thanks for sharing the fun!

  9. Kelly Schelske

    It looks like you all had a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing some picts!

    Hugs, Kelly

  10. debby4000

    It was lovely to meet you on Sat, see I told you I remembered Crafty Makes just didn't work out your name was Kim though, I blame my age.

  11. Penni

    Fab photos Kim – I can't wait for NEC Birmingham in November !!!


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