Sewing Pot Holders

So what do you think? Do you think that everyone would like to have a pot holder for Chrimbo? 🙂

Not a card today but some sewing. Really must get some more sewing done. I have just loads of projects in my head but a lot of them seem to just stay there. Do you have that problem too? I have recently joined an embroidery group which is kinda like a knitting stitch and bitch but with embroidery instead 🙂 I am very, very new to embroidery – have an awful lot to learn but that is what makes it fun isn’t it?

Kim Dellow

Kim Dellow is an artist living the creative life in London, UK. She's helps others to find their creative selves in a monthly art club on Patreon. Licenses designs for products. And designs creative exercises for various collaborative mixed media workshops.

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